30 Λεπτά Στρουμφάκια • Συλλογή 8 • Τα Στρουμφάκια
00:00 – 12:22 – Το συνέδριο των μάγων
Determined to fly over Smurf village to catch a Smurf to take to the Wizard’s Convention, Gargamel invokes his Book of Spells to help him. A series of funny flying machine mishaps occur and Gargamel is once more the laughing stock of the Wizard’s Convention.
12:23 – 23:50 – Το στρουμφοτηλέφωνο
Papa Smurf pours a magic potion over the new Smurf-melon patch, which instantly grows and grows all over the village and forest. The Smurfs use the blossoms as a telephone, but before Gargamel can trace their voices, the flowers turn into melons and telesmurf is no more.
23:51 – 35:19 – Το μαγικό σκουφάκι
In his search for something new, Vanity dons a Gargamel-made magic hat that transforms his face into a mess. Through trickery, Papa Smurf gets the antidote from the wicked wizard and once more, Vanity is beautiful.
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Τα Στρουμφάκια
Η παιδική σειρά παρακολουθεί τις περιπέτειες των Στρουμφ, των μικρών μπλε πλασμάτων που ζουν σε ένα ήσυχο χωριό και προσπαθούν να ξεγλιστρήσουν από τον κακό Δρακουμέλ.